I will post the "non-boring" (cough, cough, gag) photos, directions and recipe next post, eh?
Well, we had a few visitors for dinner,
including Little Boy Blue,
who came over with his Momma and Daddy and stayed overnight.
As soon as that ca-ute little family rolled into the driveway, I whisked Little Boy Blue out to the shop to go say "Hi" to Grandpa....
And then I propped him on the shop counter
where he met a new friend...
They were both shy.

When LBB's momma came to check on him, we made her hold the baby so he could watch his Gramps work.
The baby loves
Tim's shop!!!
Little Boy Blue is seriously entranced with his Grandpa's work and shop.
Well, I needed to start on the fixins for the fish tacos, so I brought Wee One into the house.
We were greeted by Auntie Sweetness...

Wee One pretended like his Auntie was an alien who wanted to eat him all up...
so he ignored her.

And then I started on the fixins for the fish tacos.
Did I mention I will be posting about that next time?
Oh stop it.
I know you want the
4-1-1 right now on the recipe and such, but I only have so much time.
In all seriousness, I have been busy...BUSY!
The cars are crazy I tell ya!
I'm a hard worker, but I've been having to work especially hard every day doing this.....

aka detailing out...
lots o' cars!!!
That's me all right; that little monkey just a workin' away.
In fact Sweetness asked me today on my lunch what'd I'd been up to.
I replied, "Having my butt hang out of car trunks and doors. If there's a hinge, there's my butt hanging out of it."
I think she was horrified at first.
But then laughed uncontrollably.
Oh real funny Sweetness, real funny.
So anyway I set the table for this fish taco dinner.
And you know how I loves me the table settings and centerpieces and table decor and tablescapes and dishes and glasses and don't EVEN GET ME STARTED!
So I thought these nice chunky colorful pieces would make a nice centerpiece with chunky candles deposited in them.
All of these pieces were Tim's super cool,
classy Grandmother Marguerite's glassware...man, she loved to set a table and boy could she!!!
I added Marguerite's colorful water glasses to the table settings...
And then I added plates and cloth napkins...keepin' it casual though, after all, this is fish tacos we're talkiin' about here...

So while I was finishing up the fish tacos,
Great Grandma finished up feeding Little Boy Blue,
although LBB pretty much wanted to run the show on this one.

We set
Super Boy
up to the dinner table with some toys to keep him busy...

And then we started digging into the fish tacos...
But then I made everyone turn around so I could take a group shot.
And then we dug in and ate and ate...

The next morning, we were still stuffed and Little Boy Blue was in a fantastic mood.
So I put him out in his fun walker-gizmo-thinga-ma-job outside for a change of pace.
And I asked Tim to watch him while I cleaned up dishes from the night before...
Let's go out to your shop and I can watch you work.
Hey, I want to touch your facial hair and laugh at it. Hey Gramps, wanna play airplane? C'mon. Make those funny noises.
Why you tired Grandpa, you should have your sole attention on me at all times cuz I am adorable.
Oh FINE, I'll just sit here and bounce and play with these giranimal things. My super cool, young-lookng Grandma will come rescue me soon anyway.
Okay Guys, that's all I got for now.
Have a good Wednesday!!!
It's Tuesday night at 11pm and I think I just turned into a pumpkin. Only it's one of those pumpkins with warts and all.

that about says it all.
Catch ya soon amigos!