Dear Gym,
I still hate you.

Hate is such a strong word.
I'll rephrase that.
I really don't like you much.
It's me.

Just because the sight of you
makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out,
doesn't mean I don't care about you.
Of course I care about you.
We had some good times together.
I felt my best when we were seeing each other.
But then things changed.
You kept wanting more, more,more out of me and I felt like I just couldn't give you any more.
Plus, winter came.
And I suppose I got lazy too.
A relationship shouldn't have to be that hard.
And that's why I moved on.

Are those
Anyway, It's just that you're hard work, high maintenance, you have too high of expectations, ya know?
I'm trying really hard not to have hard feelings after a year of not seeing you.

HEY, is that a cartoon???!!!!
You can watch cartoons while walking on a treadmill????

I can run a treadmill just as easy as any 80 year old out there Gym. I'll show you I don't have commitment issues.
Watch, SEE, I can do this.

Lawdy, this
treadmill is getting hard!
How long have I been ON this ballbuster???!!!

3.4 HOURS????!!!!
No wonder I'm dying here!
You say it's only been two minutes, forty seconds?

I just might come and visit you more. Now that there's a dance floor and all.
Now there's no reason to be mean and say that's not a dance floor. It looks like one to me.

And there's fun colorful bands and jump ropes to play
with too.
Our renewed friendship just might work out Gym.
No hard feelings, eh?

Uh Gym, those machines with big weights look pretty intense there.
Maybe we should talk more later.
Glad we reconnected.
I still hate you though, you know.