I'm goin' on a bear hunt,
goin' a on a bear hunt,
I'm gonna catch a big one,
gonna catch a big one,
But I'm not afraid,
I'm not afraid.
Okay, that song has been stuck in my head for days. I am sooo happy it is out of my head now!
But now I have THIS image stuck in my head!!!
I started my field trip to Mediapolis in Frytown of course, and passed several horse and buggies on the way to Kalona...it was a cloudy day the first time I went. The second time, it was bright and sunny.

I stopped
at the

Where they make world famous cheese curds!!!
It's very cool inside....

After making off with a 1 lb. package of cheese curds, I headed to Kalona where one
is greeted by the Kalona welcome sign.

I drove by this blue house with a pretty tree blooming in the front.

big "HI"
to our friends at Kalona Auto Parts...
Hi Lynn,
Hi Loren, Hi Alvin and Dennis!!!!
I pass the Kalona Village Museum and snapped a couple pics...
Leaving Kalona, I pass Amish kids on their way to their schoolhouse...
See the Amish schoolhouse in the middle of the picture down below, back in that pastoral setting?
Look for the bell tower or steeple.

So I come into the huge metropolis of
I drove through Riverside and I took a couple snapshots of some cute houses I admire...

And of course a drive through Riverside is not complete without gawking at a replica of the USS Enterprise.
Riverside, Ia is the birthplace of Captain Kirk don't ya know!

down the
I go.....
Here I am, on the road again, here I am, up on the stage, here I go, playing star again, here I go, turn the page.

And then I got bored and took a picture of all the crapola crapmeister crap on my floorboard.

I-218, you will drive past Swedesburg, you've seen this big Swedish animal thing haven't you, advertising the museum?
A ram maybe?
A Swedish ram?
Heck, I'm lost with what it is.
I thought I would drive into tiny Swedesburg and take a picture of the Swedesburg Museum.

was a pretty church on Main Street in the little town too.

This building was on Main Street as well.
It looks like a former service station from back in the day.

And now it's a salvage store called Burnies Salvage Store.
Of course I had to pop in and check it out....
And the cylinder thing below is actually four spice shakers. They used to have spice names on them like cinammon and such. I thought they would be awesome for outdoor entertaining, picnic style.
And I love the picture I got for $1 that says Cherry.
So then I drove into Mt. Union, parked on the side of the road, and snapped a shot of this cafe, which was a former gas station. The gas station operated clear up until 1991. The cafe owner, Ruby, came outside the front door with a look on her face and demanded to know what I was doing.
every week and serves breakfast and lunch. She's a gem!! The second time I passed through Mt. Union, I brought Ruby those cheese curds from the Cheese House.
But we so are.

So I pulled up because I saw the "Open" sign.
Okay, that's a lie...I so saw the "Wine" sign from the road and that kinda drew me in too.
Geez, can't catch a break here.

This is El-Len Artistry. They do custom framing and let me tell you, I saw a piece he was working on and it was gorgeous. They sell pictures and prints here, candles and towels, wine and books and puzzles.
It's very cool.
The picture to the left is a photograph from a photographer from Washington, Iowa. The frame guy framed it. I LOVE this photograph...it's geese on snow and the beak and leg and feet color is simply fantastic. And the frame is perfect with this picture! | And this picture is two photographs from the frame guy's wife's garden. The top picture is of an unopened Queen Anne's Lace flower. This picture really spoke to me. It said BUY ME. |
But it made me happy. And that's good enough.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :)
Have a good Thursday!!! Talk at ya soon!