Now that's a mouthful!
Black Bottomed Mini Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites
Whew. I got dizzy just typing that.
And might I add a mighty tasty mouthful of delicious dessert goodness
this recipe is.
A mouthful that will make you smile a big old pumpkiny cheesecake smile.
Seriously, pumpkiny is a word.
Look it up.
Dear Nice Readers,
I lie sometimes here on this blog. It's a disease I can't control.
I'm not lying about how scrumptious and fluffy this Pumpkin Cheesecake Bite recipe is though!
Or that I will make you smile with the following pictures.
Or at least get a slight upturn of the mouth.
Or a minor crinkle of the eyes.

This picture is the startins' of a big pumpkiny smile.
Startins' is a word.
Look it up.

See, a horsey was carved by my niece.
Doesn't that make you smile?

And here's the horsey pumpkin all
lit up at night.
Now, I bet THAT made ya smile!
And now let's move onto this
Cheesecake Bite Recipe.
I came across this recipe on the website The website has many other cool recipes with beautiful food pictures. Way cooler than my blurry, tacky pictures :)
CLICK HERE for Black Bottomed Mini Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites Recipe
And this is the lineup...Not too many ingredients here! Rather affordable really.
We start by mixing the finely ground oreos (I used my food processor, thanks Aunt Stephanie :) with the melted butter and pat evenly in the bottom of each sprayed muffin tin.
By the way, this recipe calls for a cheesecake tin. I went EVERYWHERE looking for a cheesecake tin in town, and could not locate one so I did what other readers have done and just used a muffin tin. The only downside to that is the little cheesecakes concave a little in the middle after baking. No worries though.
Partially bake the oreos in the tin for 10 minutes...Angie's note: 10 minutes is too long, watch the bottoms carefully so they don't burn, try 5-6 minutes.
Well gosh, if you insist!!!
Beat in egg, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg until combined.

Pour evenly into
the twelve cups,
filling about 3/4
way full.

Spoon about a teaspoon of caramel
into the tops of each filled cup and
swirl with a toothpick gently.
Bake for 25-28 minutes or until cheesecake is cooked through. Let cool completely.

Have you tasted the Pumpkin spice Hershey's kisses?
Yuk. Bad aftertaste.
So I just used the Hershey's Dark Chocolate kisses.
Remove cheesecakes from pan and top each with a spoonful of caramel and a Hershey Kiss.
Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Uh, of course I scarfed two just to make sure they were edible :)
These Black Bottomed Mini Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites look so pretty grouped on a plate; they would make a fabulous gift or just a special desert for the family. And the pumpkin taste is not overpowering one bit, just the right amount of pumpkin creaminess.
Do I have you hooked yet?
If anyone makes these, please let me know how they turn out!
Have a great Wednesday!!!!