It's been a while since I posted last!
I'll bet you're all organized and have everything checked off your To-Do list, yes?
I don't.
I don't have much shopping done at all and I finally threw up some stuff.
Well I didn't throw up that way.
I threw up some Christmas stuff.
That doesn't sound right either although both kids will tell you the house usually looks like someone threw up Christmas this time of year.
I was restrained this year however.
Humour me a bit while I show you some craptastic pictures of this year's decor.
So this vignette is in the dining room.
I LOOOOVVEE that tree that displays hanging vintage bulbs.
I think it's supposed to hold little flower pots.

A ferris wheel for elves.
Tim gets creeped out by elfs. I love them.
Guess who wins out every time?

And look at these two cool vintage Christmas and winter pictures on the wall.
I painted my dining room purple and tan a couple weeks ago and then I found these sweet vintage prints with purple backgrounds at a Mt. Vernon antique shop a week later.
Now seriously, how often do you see Christmas and winter prints with purple backgrounds?
I love these!

Also crammed into my little dining room is a white tree chocked full of vintage ornaments, from the 1920's through the 60's...
Well, it will.
Let's keep moving. We're still in the dining room.

Aaaaand this is the hutch that changed color when the room was repainted.
The hutch turned yellow.

And it holds my collection of jewelry tree pictures.
I think I have a couple more of these but time ran out to dig through more boxes.
For once i would like to completely paint a piece. I see the top of this hutch is not painted, nor is the back and the whole left side is unpainted as well. *sigh*
Below are figurine thingies I found laying on top of a Christmas box and quickly threw up on my cupboard.
Normally I would thoroughly remove everything from this hutch and have it be a full-on Christmas Display-o-rama but again, ran out of time.
Plus, if I don't pick up all those dishes and glasses to move them, I won't feel compelled to wash the greasy grime off them.
And this is the baby tree by the yellow cupboard...for Little Boy Blue's enjoyment.

Have I mentioned how sweet
Little Boy Blue is?
He is our most favorite-ist Christmas present
Okay, that's it for the
dining room.
Let's see if Christmas threw
up in the rest of the house....

This is all I
got going on
the kitchen
this year.
Simple. Simple.

The tops of the cupboards still haven't been touched and look like crap.
They need a little of that Spirit o' Christmas
thrown up there.
But this year, I was lazy and grabbed a vintage hanging light from the garage when I was getting folding chairs and threw it on the bathroom counter.
It is very dusty and dirty and I still haven't cleaned it. I did however throw a strand of lights on it. Because I am classy like that.
Also, that picture is titled "Winter In Paris". It is beautiful.
For years, I had my Grandparent's Hoosier cabinet in that tiny space chocked full of vintage Santas, and Mrs. Santas and red boots and sweet vintage sleighs and reindeer.

But this year is just this simple little setting.
And that's okay too.

Hey, I love this lamp that hangs on the wall in the entry. We purchased this light just like this from our favorite junk shop ever in Cedarburg Wisconsin named Don's Resale.
We went there for years. One day three years ago, we went there and Don, a crusty old, hard-living 76 year-old was not there. He had passed away a couple weeks prior and his children were left cleaning out his lifetime of junk collecting. I remembered seeing this lamp many times on his old check-out counter (an old general store display piece) and asked if I could buy it. His son said okay. Lucky me but I think the son should have kept it. This light is weird and quirky, just like Don.

And finally we come into the living room.
Remember this picture from last week where I talked about selling FOR FREE my two huge honking Christmas trees on Craigslist and I was left with these two sorry looking trees?

I did put the trees side by side, placing the gaping holes to the wall and began to put lights on these humongous Redwoods.
For reals and for cheap.
Not free, but it was cheap!

If I wasn't running out of time, this tree would be dripping with 700-800 ornaments at least...gorgeous ones, tacky ones, handmade ones, treasures from the kids like macaroni pictures and anything that glitter and pipe cleaners can be glued on, ribbons and twirly things off packages, Christmas cards from the past, photographs, vintage ornaments, popcorn strung on dental floss, sometimes strung cranberries and homemade gingerbread men and the kitchen sink.
But this year is different. Ran out of time. That's okay. Kind of.
Oh, and the stair railing? Usually has a beautiful garland cascading down. This year I plopped the first wreath I saw up there. Very sylish.
Welcome back to the
Little Boy Blue!!!
We've missed you!!
The pets missed you tooooo.........

Little Boy Blue and his super cool,
super hip,
very young Grandma Angie and his cool GrandpaTim wishes you and yours a very Happy Christmas filled all the wonders this season brings!
Christmas Blessings
To All!!!