You say I haven't posted in a couple months?
Have You been washing cars?
perhaps you've been finishing year end books like me.
Okay, FINE!
Perhaps I've been doing more than just "work."
Perhaps I've been increasing my
intellectual knowledge and awareness of
AND the world
in a meaningful ways.
The Voice is
I learn so many things from The Voice.
Mostly I learn that I need long blonde hair extensions like Shakira.
And perhaps I've been spending a bit of time watching these guys....

Property Brothers.
Nuff said!
and all their labor is free!!
Sign me up!
Although as a client,
I will need to learn to say and do the following things:
Act completely SHOCKED...that the Property Brothers can not tear down a whole entire wall of a c1895 house to make a room more "open concept" because
the wall is load-bearing.
Say things like
"But they PROMISED!!"
"Our whole entire life's happiness was centered around this one wall being gone!"
Angie says:
"That's sad."
"Get a life."
Use words like "hemorrhaging".
A lot.
"It feels like we're just hemorrhaging money right now."
"Everything's costing more than what they said, we're just hemorrhaging money."
Dear HGTV Staff On Home Improvement Shows,
Stop having people say hemorrhaging. Seriously, tell them to shut up.
Be prickly to the TV dude Property Brother contractor WORKING FOR FREE and say you just can not imagine that the hired professional contractors who do this for a living all the time, will ever EVER get done with the renovation in time,
even though it's been just four weeks and the plans were changed up a million times.
Constantly whine,
"I just don't see them finishing on time."
"I don't know WHAT we'll do if they don't finish by the target date."
Then bite your lip as if you're really pondering this.
Dear Homeowners Who Are Under Renovation And Have No Idea What They Will Do If The Renovation Isn't Done On Time,
Two words: Hotel.
Okay, so that's just one word, but still.
Okay, now let's talk about food!
This is a super easy, kind of elegant
Rosemary Pork Tenderloin.
Isn't my new plate pretty???!! Love it!
Two bucks on the Dillards clearance table. Uh huh.
Anyway, here's the cooked up
Rosemary Pork Loin and Wild Rice.
Super healthy by the way!
Okay, so let's get started with the most compelling part of this blog,
the super exciting,
heart stopping,
drool worthy
food prep pictures!!!
I know you just started yawning and getting your mouse ready to quick scroll down past all these.
But DON'T!
Cause you'll also miss pictures like this...our Amish neighbor going by our living room window back in February.
See, I had to be covert when I took this picture as Amish do not want their picture taken.
And see,
you would miss this picture of Little Boy Blue
who is getting soooo big now!

"So I says,
so I says to the pretty lady,
Howdy do Ma'am!"

so here's the simple fixins for this super easy and tasty Pork Tenderloin.
Start by rubbing the tenderloin with olive oil, generous amount of salt and pepper and the chopped rosemary.

I kept mine refrigerated all day.
Okey dokey, so heat up some olive oil nice and hot, hot, sizzling hot...and unwrap that lovely piece of pork tenderloin. Actually I usually make sure to have the meat come to mostly room temp before cooking it.

Sear the tenderloin on all sides until nicely colored.

Hey, my tenderloin was cut in half lengthwise I noticed while searing.
Is that normal?
Anyone know?
When I took it out of the package, it looked like one complete loin thing but then when searing it, it pulled apart.
Okay, now let's start on the fixins for the Wild Blend Rice with Butternut Squash and Apples...

I actually had everything at home for this dish. I was shocked.
Usually I'm running to the grocery store for sumpin'.

Oh, this is the wild rice I purchased, I think in the organic section at Hy-Vee, any wild rice mix will do though.
I can't necessarily say this was so different than the regular wild rice blend I usually buy.
It's pretty hearty though, I'll say that.

Okay, so throw the rice in the water and cook according to directions.
Simple enough.
Cut up the onions, butternut squash, apples, parsley and chop up the walnuts.

by sauteing the onions...
Add the butternut squash and apples in...

Season with thyme but
DO NOT use
1 tablespoon like the directions state...only use 1 tsp. of thyme.

Stir in the chicken stock.
Now let's go back to the rice for a minute.
When it's done cooking, stir in the parsley.

Add the cooked rice to the squash, apple and onion mixture.

into a buttered baking dish and bake for 25 minutes.

now the pork is done.

And the wild rice dish is done.
Now plate up these yummy dishes...

The rosemary and olive oil and salt and pepper
give this pork loin a nice flavor.

wild rice dish is tasty and healthy.
The recipe did not call for salt or pepper, you will NEED to add salt and pepper by the way.
Also, the wild rice recipe as stated makes
So halve the recipe if you're only making it for a few people.

This makes a nice meal for weekdays but also if you have company over.
Okay, here's the recipes...
Rosemary Grilled Pork Tenderloin Recipe via and Dave Lieberman Courtesy Ingredients 1 (1 1/2 to 2-pound) pork tenderloin Olive oil Salt Freshly ground pepper 1 or 2 sprigs fresh rosemary leaves, finely chopped, plus a few sprigs for garnish Instructions Rub tenderloin with oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary. Cover with plastic wrap and let marinate for an hour or 2 in the refrigerator. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Heat a couple tablespoons of olive oil in an oven-safe saute pan over high heat. Sear tenderloin on all sides until nicely colored all over. Transfer pan to oven and roast for 10-15 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 145 degrees F. Let rest for 5 to 10 minutes before thinly slicing on the bias. Serve with the risotto and garnish with a sprig of fresh rosemary. Preparation time: 1 hour(s) Cooking time: 15 minute(s) Number of servings (yield): 8 | Wild Rice Blend with Butternut Squash and Apples From Courtesy of Cooking Instructions 1-1/2 cups Lundberg Wild Blend wild rice…Angie’s note…any wild rice will do 3-1/2 cups water 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 3 cups 1/2 inch cubed butternut squash (from 1-1/2 pound squash) 2 Granny Smith apples, unpeeled, cored, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1 Tablespoon dried thyme…Angie’s note…do NOT use this much thyme, more like 1 tsp 1 cup broth or water 1/2 cup walnut pieces Preheat oven to 425°F 9 X 13 inch well buttered baking dish Combine water and Lundberg Wild Blend® Rice in a large saucepan with lid. Bring water to boiling, reduce heat to simmer and cover. Cook 50 minutes, remove from heat with lid on and steam 10 minutes. Stir in parsley and set aside. Heat oil in a large skillet and sauté onion over medium-high heat until translucent. Add butternut squash, apples, and thyme and sauté 5 minutes. Stir in broth. Combine rice and onion/butternut squash/apple mixture and pour into a buttered 9X13 inch baking dish. Sprinkle walnuts over the top. Bake 425°F for 20-25 minutes. until heated through and squash is tender. Serves 10-12 Nutritionals: Serving size 1 cup, Calories 120, Calories from Fat 40, Total Fat 4.5g (Sat. Fat .05g, Trans Fat 0g), Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 60mg, Total Carbohydrates 20g, Fiber 2g, Sugars 3g, Protein 3g. |

that's all I have for today!
Little Boy Blue
says bye-bye and Angie says have a good Monday night and we'll talk at ya soon!!
Angie also says, "WE NEED SUN! WHERE'S THE SUN??!"

See ya next time!!!