We went to an
Art and Jazz Festival
in Stillwater, MN last weekend.
Cute doggie at festival!

doggies too!
Location. Location. Location!

Waterstreet Inn,
which is that brick building there on the right.
The festival was just outside the back door of the Inn, on the banks of the St. Croix River.
Location, location, location.

Uh, yeah. Purty. Ain't it?
When choosing location, one can't always be picky but one will usually pay three times more than what they should.

This is where we took our brandy in the evenings.
I have no idea what that means, I just thought it sounded Victorian stuffy.

The bathroom is in an
that was kind of cool.

Oh hello Tim!
Find any money in there?
Crap, didn't think so.
In all seriousness, this Inn is overpriced, but we would stay here again because of location....walking distance to EVERYTHING, tons of cute shops, top rated restaurants, coffee shops, lots of used bookstores and antique shops. And it WAS clean.
Just, uh, a bit outdated.

We hung out and listened to some good live music throughout the weekend at the festival.

We also saw some pretty cool art.

I wanted to buy this buffalo but it was 20,000 dollars.
So I didn't buy it.

There was urban art...
Beautiful contemporary
glass art....

There was cool, mid-century modern wood art...

Lots of photo art booths....

I wanted these fish!
But they were $1900.
So I didn't get them either.

However I peeked in their booth....

....and I looked a little closer and spied some cool stuff that wasn't $1900.

So I bought one.

it holds wine bottles...even empty ones like most of these are.

How cute and practical is this!!!

And the metal was finished with an automotive clear coat!!
That's why it's so shiny.

All this obsession with bright shiny things reminds me of this cute,
I think it's a bracelet.
But I'm using it as a wine bottle decoration.

Anyway, back to the festival weekend,
fortunately there were food trucks too....
we were starving after having eaten breakfast a few hours earlier.

Wok on wheels...that name kills me.

Sweet and sour chicken and chicken on a stick wasn't too bad though.

Later on, we checked out some shops downtown before it got too late...

This was the entry.

The next thing you notice is this cool Halloween display.

And then you look up and see THIS IS A

And they offer soda and coffee and tea and wine.
And cupcakes!!!

Everybody is happy in this store.
Grumpy people not allowed apparently.

Maybe everyone's so happy cuz there's candy in this store.
Bright, shiny candy!!!

we stepped out into another shop nearby called Cherry Berry.


We decided to tone things down a bit and hit a couple different antiques hops.
I don't know what shop this was,
I just loved the entry.

Care for a couple of yellow figurines for a hundred something dollars?
No, me neither.

I did like this chandelier though.

And how about this motor oil can?
Love it.

Obviously I really like this cupboard.

I did buy these four champagne flutes for cheap there.
Not vintage, but heavy and etched and
art deco-ish.
But it spoke to me.
It said in a sneaky whispered voice, "Pssst. Angie. Yeah, you. Buy me."

Holla if you remember these Halloween treat bags!!!

Maybe I'll fill this $1 tin with candy canes this Christmas.
Or nuts.
Or love.
Or change from the bottom of my purse.
Including the sky cycle!!!
Ima do a blog post on him soon I think.

Man, I love this small picture.
It's the top to a vintage calender. But I LOVE that aqua frame.

....such as this heart stopping picture of a coffee shop we visited the next morning...

Chair Ever!
Love it!

Before we left town,
we spur-of-the moment stopped at this Isaac Staples Mill.
We didn't know what it was.
We saw this non-descript sign and door that said "Antiques" and "Open" so we walked in.
And the heavens opened up and the angels started singing....

There were stairs and floors and booths and lots and lots of antiques!
After meandering through the first floor, we took these stairs to the second floor.

And then we took this ramp to the 3rd floor....

come to think of it, maybe this is a shoe shine chair? Hmmm, anybody know?

...and more stuff.

The whole time. Creak.

There were landings....

Does it
or does it not
look like the bicycle from the Wizard of Oz?

Huh. Am I right?
Huh, huh?Am I right?

I prefer this biercycle from the festival.
Much less scarier.
Quite honestly, after seeing the Wizard of Oz bicycle, we figured it was time to head on out, back to Frytown.
We didn't have any bicycles to fly, so we just drove back in our car :)
Okay, thanks for humoring me by reading this guys!!!!
Hope everyone's had a good weekend!
Have a great rest of the weekend and we'll talk to ya soon!!!