and it occurred to me that I am taking me a looooong time to complete that page.
I got smart though
no comments from the peanut gallery, thank you
and figured I'd be realistic and set a completion date for that page
sometime in the year 2525.
You know that song?
...In the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive...blah blah oh my word, when is this song ever gonna end?

And because I am so skilled and clearly adept at staying on subject (ahem),
I went ahead and Googled that song.
It's from 1969 by a rock duo called
Zager and Evans.
That song was their only hit.
Who's with me on this? Who knows what I'm talkin' bout?

Who has a window that needs repaired?
For like 10 years?

Although I don't think the broken window detracts from the vintagey barn setting I have going on.

I will say I am pretty organized on the one side of the barn though.
No windows need fixing here!
Just vintage sleds waiting for Christmastime again! HOHOHO!!!

Oh, I had to show you these.
Can you see the hanging barb wire shaped into boots?
They're cool, I love them!

But I don't like the fact that the blue horse trough by the barn has ugly green flowers planted in them.
So those aren't flowers. Those are weeds.
I wonder if I can call those weeds "ground cover" and get away with it?

And I am procrastinating repainting this wagon wheel.
Doesn't look too bad though, does it?

This just seems like an overwhelming out the sandbox and hauling in clean sand and making a cover for it.
I can just about guarantee though, that I will have it done by 2525.

Why haven't I planted any flowers yet?
Why am I lazy?
Why am I not rich where I can hire people to do this kind of work for me?
Maybe I can call those weeds in there "ground cover" too.

Hey, I loooove my chunky textured orange and lime green pots though.

I was very organized in February and bought mostly matching pots for this display (YOU try finding nine identical yellow pots...impossible!)
And haven't done anything with it since.
They look like nine little yellow, forlorn lollipop kids with no lollipops.

The summer kitchen window box has that gorgeous ground cover in it too.
isn't it?

I am a crock in need of flowers.
Or sauerkraut.

Those small cobalt blue planters outside the pump house are looking....tiny.

Maybe I should paint this bench this year?
Why are there birdhouses attached to my bench?
Why does this bike have a coffee pot in it?
I have no reasonable explanation.

Hey, know what though?
I can explain why a large vintage gate is laying against my garage.
Cuz I LOVES IT!!!!
And no,
you can't have it and I'm not selling it :) I know you want it.
And look how this old crock is just tucked in amongst the greenery.
Okay, somebody just lied about something being her secret garden.
You knew that was a lie didn't you?
You knew it was a lie because there's nowhere to put cheesecake silly!
Okay, that's all I got for now....Have a nice, warm, sunny, fun, rest of the weekend!
See ya soon!!!!