Why Oh Why does my
laundry pile up so much!
It doesn't look that bad. Does it really?
What's that kitty hiding up there?
He's hiding a crap-o-load of clothes!
And a bunch of junk on that shelf!
Clearly Tim doesn't either.
Why can't cats learn how to fold clothes?
My laundry room wasn't always a pig sty.
Is that how you spell sty?
So not a pig sty here.
Oh hey look. My washer and dryer look nice! I seriously never noticed that before. I mean they're cheap, but they're nice and white and clean. Hmmm.
Probably because there's always clothes piled on top of them. *sigh*
Ima go see if I can get Tim to fold those clothes.
In the meantime, here's a video of Tim's and my favorite band The Avett Brothers. They're kind of a bluegrassy rock band. And here's my favorite song of theirs, titled appropriately enough "Laundry Room." Who doesn't love a song titled Laundry Room, c'mon now!
Oh Hi! Guess what. I'm back.
I see I titled this here post "Laundry and Things" so I figured I better talk about some other riveting things.
Other than laundry.
Riveting Thingie #1
So I picked up a framed vintage movie poster a few months ago at an antique shop in Cedarburg, Wisconsin and it's going in my bathroom. Kirk Douglas has his name nice and big but where is the woman's name? Have you noticed a lot of vintage movie posters have the woman's names smaller or not listed at all? |
Riveting Thingie #2
Oh, disgusting food picture
I have so much still to learn about taking appetizing pictures.
What is my problem?!?!
Speaking of disgusting pictures. Oh! my! gosh!
If you could only see my hideous driver's license photo.
I am not kidding you.
EVERYONE but one person agrees that my driver's license photo is the worst they've ever seen.
Don't think I'm gonna show you my drivers license here though.
I'm not stoopid.
In fact, when I hand my license to cashiers,
I always say to the female clerks, "Now don't hate on me because I'm so beautiful. Don't be jealous now."
The female clerks look at my picture and always laugh.
With the male clerks, I always say,
"Now don't go asking me out and everything when you see how beautiful I am. I'm a married woman." (And I point to my ring finger.)
Fortunately they all laugh too... after they look at the picture.
Only one person ever told me they've seen worse.
It was some younger Gothic looking girl working the cash register at Hobby Lobby about five months ago.
Here's how it went down.
Angie (handing drivers license to cashier): Okay, I'll show my ID but don't hate on me cuz I'm so beautiful.
Clerk: (looks at me, then looks at picture) (shrugs her shoulders).
Angie: Isn't that the most hideous divers license picture you've ever seen? I look like a thug. Even 85 year-old women look like thugs, now that you can't smile for those pictures anymore.
Clerk: (grabs my license again and looks at it intently). Nope, I've seen worse.
Angie: (Incredulously and indignant) No you haven't.
Clerk: Yes I have.
Angie: What?? I've never had ANYBODY say they've seen worse.(Pausing, trying to soak in this information)...................(confused)
Angie:(Still confused.)Was it a dude or something?
Clerk: No, it was a chick.
Angie: Well, what was so bad about it?
Clerk: She looked like a corpse.
Angie: Whoooaa??? (laughing hard) What??? Really???
Clerk: Yup, a corpse.
Angie: I guess I shouldn't feel so bad then.
Clerk: (shrugs her shoulders, hands me my receipt and starts ringing up the next person).
True Story.
No lie.
Although, I wish it was.
Riveting Thingie #3
floral wire.
Riveting Thingie #4
which is cool.
Hey Stud Muffin, Is it too much to ask for you to put away some of those groceries on the counter?
And wash those pans?
Riveting Thingie #5
Little Boy
discovering his cute little hands
Why is is having a Grandchild sooooo much funner than having regular kids?
Chill out girls. I'm JUST kidding. Geeez.
NO I'M NOT!!!!
I must tell you though, I have made a couple of meatball recipes lately that do not include beef.
And ONE was pretty fantastic!
See ya next time!!!! Stay warm!
Unless you're in a warm climate, then stay comfy!!
Have a great Friday/Saturday!