Hidey Ho everybody!!
Hope ya'll had a fun, relaxing Memorial Day weekend!
So it's like, what, Monday May 28th?
Almost the first of June, right?
Well, I was looking around my property and thought I would share some of my master gardening skillz with you so far this year.
I just ask that you not get too envious and never visit my blog again.
Let's start with an 8 foot long gate hanging out by my garage, framed at the bottom with fern thing plants.
garden art, yes?

Look real closely and you'll see a crock by that fence....

This is my personal relaxation space.
I hide out here and think and dream and write sonnets and solve world peace issues.
Of course that's not true. You know that, because there is no place to put cheesecake. If Ima solve world peace issues, Ima need cheesecake!
Oh hey!!!
Keep following me...I want to show you some pretty green foliage I planted in my blue planter out by the barn.
This foliage is soooo cheap!!!
The technical name for this greenery is "weeds" I've been told.
And what do you think of the pretty plant by the white wooden chairs down below??

These kind of invisible plants are hard to find at the garden centers cuz they're hard to spot.
Cuz they're invisible. Duh.

Can you see them?
They're barbed wire, shaped like boots.
One time when I was twelve, I was chasing a cow in a field at dusk and there was a barbed wire fence about waist height.
Guess how I found out the fence was there?
By hanging upside down on it.

Except I don't have any flowers yet.
I do however, need to repair that window. Note to Tim, repair window. Hehehe.

And just to prove that I'm not a total slob...the one side of my barn is not junked up at all.
It's rather organized I would say.
It needs painted, yes.
But it's not junked up. Course I am aware everyone's definition of "junked up" is different :)
And that green foliage called "weeds" in the blue planter by the barn,
oddly spread to this sandbox.

I think birds or butterflies drop those foliage seeds when they're flying.
How else can one explain this crappiness?

wagon wheel possibly could use a little attention,
whatch ya think?

Where's those darn kids when you need them to paint?
College, schmollege.
There's no loyalty with those kids.

I have no reasonable explanation why there is a coffee pot in this vintage bike basket.
Who rides a bike with a coffee pot?

Why does everything need constantly painted on this property?
Why are there birdhouses attached to this bench?
Something pretty to show you!!!
Pretty yellow planters and a vintage wire flower cart.

Do you see those beautiful yellow, orange and pink gerber daisies?
Aren't they gorg??!!
Don't see them?
Well look closer then.
They just happen to look real tiny in those yellow planters up there, that's all.
You just have to look hard.

The pink horse trough does need some attention though,
I must admit.

But don'tcha love these textured orange and lime green planters?

And this oldie crock by the summer kitchen is just sca-reaming to be filled with a pretty floral arrangement.
Or sauerkraut.

I'm on the fence with this one...if those weeds get tall enough in this flower box, I can just hang Christmas bulbs off them and not have to worry about decorating come Christmastime.
Whatch ya think?
Who's with me now?
Well, hopefully the next pictures of all these planters will look much better.
You know,
with plants in them and such :):):)
Thanks for checking in gals and guys!!!
Hope everyone has a
good Tuesday!!!
See ya next time!!!