This is a meatloaf!
Yup, that is Meatloaf from his band.

"You took the words right out of my mouth..."
Which leads me to remember that my sister is going to a concert this weekend to see another Old school band...

Cheap Trick!!!!
Tim and I actually saw them in concert back in the late 70's or early 80's.
*cue lots of screaming, yelling, whistling, Angie up on Tim's shoulders, Tim without a shirt on, Angie being 20 lbs less (SHUT UP!!!!!!!!) sweaty people everywhere, Angie feeling like she'll get crushed but a least she can see the stage..................
Earth to Angie........
Oh anyway, in honor of my sister who completed six weeks of boot camp today with crazeeee results (go JoJo, it's your birthday, gonna party, like it's your birthday), here's the Cheap Trick video from their gig in Budokan.
All righty then,
I actually have a topic for today's post and I will tell you

Maurice (pronounced Morris) over on the right is my favorite. Shut up.
Sometime Ima do a whole month's worth of blog posts on the Bee Gees.
ya'll will probably never read me again so maybe I better not do that.
Turkey Bacon Cheeseburger Turkey Loaf.
It has ground turkey breast, turkey bacon, zucchini, carrots and mushrooms in it.

By the way, I knew it was gonna be good, so I tripled the recipe.

these are the ingredients for one meatloaf.
The following pictures you will see, are the ingredients tripled.
So chop and shred up all the veggies, turkey bacon and bread...
Mix yer spicy mustard and ketchup together....

Saute your onions and garlic and add the mushrooms.

Lookin' good!
Add the shredded carrots and zucchini....

Sumpins lookin' a little healthy!!!

Now take the ground turkey breast....
and add all the following...

Now add the turkey bacon!!!

Oh guess what just happened at this point!!
It got dark and stormy and rainin' and a little hailin'!!

Which made us nervous cuz we're nowhere near finalized with the insurance companies on the tornado damage from three weeks ago!!!!

But it blew by quickly and a rainbow popped out even!!!!!

add the mushroom and veggie mixture to the turkey mixture...

Dis look good, yes????

Oil up yer pan or pans...remember, I tripled the recipe.

Spread the turkey mixture in the pan/s...

Mmmmm, spread the ketchup and mustard mixture on top.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, just until the loaf register 160 degrees.

Oh my goodness, doesn't this look fantastic??
It sure smells fantastic!!

And bits of the turkey bacon??
And the colorful carrots?
It's not a huge flavor explosion, like if it was made with beef or sausage.
No, this is a mellow, flavorful super healthy yet moist meatloaf.
Okay, so here is the recipe.....
Turkey Bacon Cheeseburger Turkey Loaf Bobby Deen’s show “Not My Mama’s Meals” Check out this show, Bobby takes his mom’s dishes and makes them healthy. It’s a great show! courtesy Ingredients
Combine the ketchup and mustard in a small bowl and set aside. Mix together the ground turkey, breadcrumbs, milk, cheese, turkey bacon, bread and egg white in a large bowl. Heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms, onions, garlic and salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are very tender, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in the zucchini until softened, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Toss the vegetables and ground meat together gently to combine, and then stir in most of the ketchup and mustard. Shape the meatloaf into the pan and spread the remaining ketchup and mustard on top. Bake until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the loaf registers 160 degrees F, 30 to 40 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before slicing into 8 pieces. | |
Okay guys and gals, that's all I got for now!!!
You really should try this Turkey Meatloaf just once.
One of the loaves I made WITHOUT mushrooms cuz of Tim and that was okay too but I much preferred the loaf with the mushrooms!
Have a good Friday guys and we'll talk at ya soon!