Been a while, eh?
Well, I've been doing some cooking...
Don't even ask.
Here's another example of another whole chicken failed endeavor within the
last two weeks....

I stuffed the cavity with lemons and thyme...
so far, so good.

And wrapped bacon all the way around it...
I think I used the cheap bacon this time and not the thick applewood smoked.

It kind of looks okay baked.
Even on that dinner plate that I thought was appropriate to serve on.

But it had absolutely no flavor.
Double blech.
So instead of talking about food, let me show you what's going on Friday night at that exciting place west of Frytown...
the Madsen Hacienda.
Disclaimer: Do not get jealous and hate me and never visit my blog again please.

He is rather enjoying himself in the nice cool evening air with a cigar and glass of wine.
Place a tv with Hawkeye football in front of him with a bag of chips and dip, and he'd never leave that chair.

Mindy Peaches is enjoying the late summer evening too.

Vinny back there looks like he has green alien eyes.
Look at the ending of the sunset in back; those colors! We always have stunning sunsets out here.
Let's see what else is going on tonight....

Menards just dropped off 10 panels of picket fencing to replace the picket fencing that was crushed during the twister or straight line winds August 4.

My flowers in the horse trough fared the winds pretty well though.
So let's move inside the house and see what exciting Friday night funtivities are going on...(it's a word, look it up.)

Go Angie. It's my Birthday. Gonna party. Like it's my birthday.
Where's my award??!!
I totally deserve an award here!!!!

I just picked them up fo' cheap.
Oh look how that shelf needs painting. Shocking.

Kitchen is a disaster tonight though.
What's new.

Hwy 22.
Why do I need to browse a portable building brochure you ask?
Cause my garden shed looks like it's
ready for spaceship takeoff since the twister.

Along with my pole barn roof.
So let's see if there's any super amazing, exciting Friday night happenings in the dining room shall we...

de answer
be no.

And I LOVE this wine bottle with the nicked up label.
One dolla at an antique shop. Yup.
I know you want it.

anything clean around here.
Whose crap is that anyway??!!

At least there's soothing music on the dish, so that's nice.

what with engineers and adjusters coming through.

Course it's only 8:30pm and she later went out with a friend.
I don't know WHY a 22 year old would NOT want to hang with her parents and cats on a Friday night.
Kids are so selfish these days.

It just didn't photograph well.
I cut up the remainder of the chicken...

...threw it on pita bread that had been crisped up in the oven for seven minutes....added some fresh basil and caramelized onions.

Drizzled it all with olive oil and stuck it in the oven until the cheese melted.

For breakfast!
While I was typing up this here post.
And it was good!
Will be sharing again hopefully this weekend!
Hope everyone has a good Saturday and we'll talk at ya soon! Have fun!