Clearly I didn't because this is Yorkshire Pudding.
And it's not pudding.
Say WHAT??????
I'm forty blah blah years old and I thought
Yorkshire Pudding was,
From freaking ENGLAND.
In particular, oh, I don't know,
No, I learned Yorkshire Pudding is a
puff pastry,
served traditionally with beef.

Clearly those are fake names.
Remember Peaches and Herb?
Reunited and it feels so good, reunited cuz, well I don't know the words but you know who I mean.
Herb is an amazing chef!
Look at his humble little kitchen he has to work in.
The word SWOON comes to mind with this one folks.

Every! Single! Thing!
This is a cook's kitchen. It just happens to be supremely beautiful as well.
I'm going to show more pictures of Peaches and Herb's supremely fantastic, uplifting kitchen in my next post this weekend but for now I just want to share the Sunday dinner Herb made for us.
The Sunday dinner was a traditional English meal.
Fortunately Herb is from England and he learned much from his mother who was an excellent cook who learned from her family's cook in South Africa when she was a little girl.
So Herb shares his gift often with family and friends.

Notice who was first to sit down?
Hi Stud Muffin.

And then because I am annoying, I made everyone stop so I could snap a couple pictures.
Let me tell ya, all I wanted to do was start with the inhalation of this fantastic meal.

There were these gorgeous green beans but look at that colorful trivet too??!!
Too cool!!
The contrast of the white dishes and food was so pretty and appealing.

There were cooked carrots too!
Such a natural sweetness.
I could have ate those all day and night.

And tangy roasted parsnips too although I forgot to take a picture of them.
Tangy roasted goodness is what they were.

And we had gravy in gravy boats!!!
I love gravy boats!!
I use them myself sometimes but it's so fun to have gravy in someone else's boat sometimes too you know!
It's a very old food custom....
Yorkshire Pudding was originally used as a first course filler for poor people who could not afford much meat. Years ago, when the meat was cooked on a spit or trivitt, the batter was put underneath and the fat and meat juice dripped onto the batter. If there wasn't enough meat to go around the children would get Yorkshire pudding and gravy as their main meal. Now the dish is almost always served with a roast beef main course to form part of a 'traditional English dinner'. From website.
And it's made with beef fat dripping at a super high heat; 450 degrees.
Herb is a master at Yorkshire Pudding.
Seriously, Tim and I were in Food Paradise.

And of course I loved that the meal was served on Herb's mother's china,
just like a traditional Sunday dinner would be.
Of course we toasted to this
wonderful meal
and friendship...
After all that food and drink, all we wanted to do was move Cal out of the over-sized chair and plop down and nap.
And instead devoured apple tartlets and brownie oatmeal bars! Uh huh, that's right. Imagine that. Tim and I eating dessert. Huh.
Tim and I are not shy with food, that's for sure.
We had a lovely afternoon, shared our appreciation, Tim joked that we would see them next week, same place, same time, and finally said good-bye.
Ten bucks says they couldn't wait for our waddling bottoms to hit the door :):):):)
I am so excited to share a few other pictures from Peaches and Herb's kitchen, so watch for my next blog post this weekend.
I've been cooking a lot too but sadly, several of the dishes and pictures will end up in the my Icky Food Blech posts.
But there has been a couple gems!
Hey, have a great Saturday!!!
Enjoy the weather!!!
Talk at ya soon!