Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away From This Wild Rice Dressing.
I'm not a big Rolling Stones fan, but they did after all, sing a song called "Angie"
Oh and how I loves me "Beast of Burden."
But I digress and now it's time to stay on task.
Focus Angie, focus.

Do NOT let your mind wander back to '78.
Pay attention.
You are 48 years old,
You're doing good.

Okay, I'm focusing.
Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.
Just kidding, I'm focusing.

SERIOUSLY? How weird are you that you just randomly think of the Keane Brothers from 1976??!!
Put that glass of wine down and FOCUS ANGIE, FOCUS!
OKAY. Okay. I'll TRY.
Wild Rice is good for you. Wild rice is yummy. I like wild rice. You should make some.

What I SHOULD MAKE is this luscious cheesecake!
Stop it Angie!!!!
You're better than this. You have a post to write. What's with the 2 year old attention span??

put CARAMEL SAUCE on it too!!!!!!
Okay okay,
now I'm in a more focused space to write about this rather tasty, textured
Wild Rice Dressing. :):):)

Once again,
this recipe is from
Better Homes and Garden
"Holiday Recipes Homemade & Delicious"
magazine 2012.
I paid $9.99 for this magazine but shhh, don't tell anybody. It's our little secret.

It certainly is a super healthy version of a "dressing" so to speak
and definitely compliments beef, poultry or pork on a hearty level.
I find it odd to call something a "dressing" when it's not chocked full of bread or cornbread, but this IS a super dressing replacement!
I will probably make this over and over again cuz it was very
and textured
and healthy
and sweet
and savory
all at the same time!
Here's the recipe.
The printable version is at the end of this post...just scroll down.
From BHG Holiday Recipes 2012 Magazine
Courtesy www.turnkeyqualitycars.com
2 ¼ cups water
1 14.5 ounce can reduced sodium chicken broth
1 cup wild rice
1 cup long grain white rice…Angie used brown rice
¾ cup dried cherries
2 Tbsp. port or cranberry juice….Angie DID NOT spend $9 on a bottle of port for 2 tbsp, she used pomegranate juice in her fridge.
¼ cup butter
¾ cup chopped celery
¾ cup chopped leeks
½ cup chopped carrots (1 medium)
¼ cup snipped fresh Italian flat leaf parsley
1 Tbsp. snipped fresh thyme
1 Tbsp. snipped fresh sage
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. black pepper
½ cup sliced almonds, toasted…Angie’s note: toast these suckers in the oven for a few minutes
1. In a large saucepan combine the water and broth. Bring to a boiling. Stir in uncooked wild rice Return to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, for 25 minutes. Stir in uncooked rice. Return to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, about 20 minutes more until tender. Drain of any excess liquid. Cool to room temperature.
2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl combine dried cherries and port. Let stand, covered, for 20 minutes.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium saucepan melt butter over medium heat. Add celery, leeks, and carrot; cook and stir about 5 minutes or until tender. Stir in parsley, thyme, sage, salt, and pepper; cook and stir for 1 minute more.
4. Lightly grease a 2=quart casserole; set aside. In a large bowl combine cooked rice, cherry mixture, vegetable mixture, and almonds. Transfer to the prepared casserole.
5. Bake, covered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until heated through, stirring once or twice.
Makes 12 servings
To Make Ahead: Prepare as directed through step4. Cover and chill for up to 24 hours. To serve, preheat oven to 350, If desired, drizzle dressing with ¼ cup additional reduced sodium broth to moisten. Bake as directed.

Boil the wild rice for like 20 minutes,
then you'll throw in the brown rice and cook until tender.

These are sooo tasty!

Add the 2 Tbsps. port or cranberry juice to the cherries.
Now I had no port in the house and the cheapest bottle I could find was $8.
So I used pomegranate juice out of my fridge and it worked awesome.

Let the cherries and juice stand covered, for 30 minutes.
The cherries absorb most of the liquid.
Smells gooood.

Chop up the celery, leeks and carrots...

1. Throw the almonds in a pan.
2. Throw the pan in the oven.

3. Take the pan out of the oven.
No, those aren't burned sliced almonds, your eyes are just bad. You should get them checked.

Now throw the veggies in the pan with the yummy melted butter.

Don't ya just want to jump in there and roll in that?
Well, if it wasn't so hot I mean.
Geez, I'm not THAT crazy.

Chop up the parsley and make sure you have it on a dirty looking cutting board so it photographs real well and people will be excited to eat at your house.

Get the thyme and sage and salt and pepper ready and mix in with the veggies.

Throw in the spices too.

Add those fragrant,
toasted almonds in as well.

Stir this all up together.
Look how nutty and nutritious this rice dressing looks!

the rice mixture to a greased
2 qt. casserole dish.
I have no idea why it looks like there's plastic wrap over this.
Bake covered, for 35-40 minutes.

And this is the baked deliciousness.
Actually this picture was taken after Tim and I scooped out a bunchful cuz we were soooo hungry and it looked and smelled so good!
This is a closeup of the yummy goodness in the dish.
This Wild Rice Dressing is pretty awesome.

Tim kept going back for more even though he also had ham on his plate.
And I ate the leftover rice the next two days for lunch. Very refreshing for a change.
Okay, here's the printable recipe!
I hope you try it!!
Speaking of ham and other yummy things, we had our own little butterball baby here...

Little Boy Blue didn't care much about his Christmas jammies though,
he just wanted Grandma's cell phone.

And if there's one thing LBB is,
that is persistent.

"Grandma, you big meanie, GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!!
I will contort my body and try to get your phone at all costs."

"Lovin' on me is not gonna change my mind Grandma.

"Oh look.

"I want cat now."

why you redirect me away from cat to new racetrack?"

"Okay I'll redirect.
But I got your number Grandma."

"Oh gotta go.
Shiny thing on floor.
Must grab and put in mouth."
Okay guys, that's all I got for today!
Another beautiful Iowa Fall Day huh!!!!
Have a good Wednesday and talk to ya soon!!!